Flag System

The Flag System is all about looking at an individual’s actions, comparing them to their words, and from that, get an idea of whether this action and word combination is a Green Flag, that is Good Sign; an Amber Flag, that is Caution; or a Red Flag, that is Concerning.

TLDR – The Flag System helps us to quickly recognise if a person’s behaviour is a good sign, an indicator for caution, or concerning. In isolation, it is not a judgement of the person, but as you explore the other Traffic Light Systems, it is a useful tool when you do need to judge someone.

The Traffic Light System

Actions over Words, Understanding Behaviour

Behaviour is “the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others”. We can assign a coloured flag to how a person behaves towards ourselves or to others. It is important to look at both a person’s actions and their words, and then look at how well they match.

Actions speak louder than words. Actions are what a person does, and we can look at the effect that action has on the world. In the Philosophy of Mind, it is well understood that you cannot truly know the mind of another. You don’t know what it is like to be them, and you can’t know why they do what they do. You can know their actions. Actions are verifiable, evidence based and can be independently confirmed. From a reasonable sampling of someone’s actions, you can make predictions on what they are likely to do in the next situation – and it is that predictability that is what the Flags try to help us to understand.

Words are nice when they match people’s actions, but very concerning when they don’t. That is, if their words are nice words.

If a person’s words are threats or falling into some harmful rhetoric, then this is generally a warning sign. If the person’s language is an exception to their trend, or clearly marked as humour, then it may not be a Red Flag on its own. Beware of Schrödinger‘s Douchebag [Link]. More on that later.

It is important to recognise that there is a big difference between a person’s intent and their actions. While we can never truly tell what a person was intending, we can see if they recognise the consequences of their own actions. If those consequences inspire them to learn, grow and evolve their choices to avoid outcomes that harm others, then this is a good healthy indicator, and we can assume the person had good intent. We all started from ignorance, and some things are quite difficult to predict without experience.

If a person does not learn from the consequences to their actions and doesn’t make changes to address that, this is quite concerning. This is explored more in the Toxic People Mind Toolset [Link], where we begin by assuming that people are good people and mean well, but sometimes they are ignorant or unskilled. As a person demonstrates through their actions that they either

  • cannot comprehend how their actions are harmful, or
  • are not concerned that their actions are harmful,

then this person progresses towards us assuming they are toxic people. That is, we should start to assume their next action has a high risk of being harmful and that their words are likely to be falsehoods until we can verify that their action wasn’t harmful or that their words were true.

Green Flags = Good

We assign Green Flags to behaviours that are collaborative, transparent, considerate and promote the general good.

A quick shortcut to working out what is likely a Green Flag is to consider what we would have done to help the situation given similar resources. This is a bit similar to the simple creed of “do to others’ as you would have them do to you”, but ads in a bit more consideration of context, culture, skill ability and the resources. Some of us have quite high standards or over do things due to People Pleasing [LINK], Anxiety [LINK] or Rejection Sensitivity [LINK], so it is fair to accept that others do things to a reasonable “lower” standard.

Please, don’t overdo how “low” that standard is. Consider whether this would be considered reasonably acceptable by someone’s boss, by a police officer pulling you over, or how you’d expect polite behaviour to be towards a venerated elder person.

This is not an exhaustive list. It should give you a fair idea of the flavour of what Green Flag Behaviour looks like.

Click > to expand

Consistent and Reliable

Disagreements are Respectful Discussion


Respectful Boundaries

Respect your Feelings

The Spirit of the Message

Timely Communication

Willing to be Wrong

Amber Flags = Caution

Amber Flags are wake up calls, “proceed with caution”.

The person’s behaviour is concerning or odd, but not clearly an indicator of harm. When you see an Amber Flag, this is a good time to be more alert and check out some other recent behaviours of the person, and then to continue to watch their next few. That is, take off the rose tinted glasses so you can see if the flags are Red.

If the odd behaviour was just a quirk, that is, an anomaly from their past and future behaviour, then this might just be A Bad Day, and nothing to worry about. We cover having A Bad Day in the Three Pillars Method [LINK].

Catching them in a Lie

Being Stubbornly Wrong on a Topic

Unexpected Changes in Behaviours

Sacrificing Self

Red Flags = Concern

When we see Red Flag Behaviours, this warns us that something is not right here.

Generally, these actions lead to harm, or try to excuse harmful actions, shifting the responsibility away from the person who did the actions. Red Flag Behaviours can also increase the confusion in communication, making this less certain rather than more certain.

While people who have a known learning or intellectual disability may do Red Flag Behaviours, we need to consider the context of their behaviour within their diagnosis. A person needs to have insight, the ability to form new memories and a desire not to harm people for them to change.

Click > to expand the below. Each has some tips of what this looks like and some include what to do about them or how to test for them.

Double Standards

Gas Lighting


Controlling Behaviour

Choice Violations

Identity Attacks

Identity attacks are where the concerning person draws into question fundamental aspects about your identity. They may challenge your good intent, your intelligence, how you identify your sexuality, how you identify your gender, or any other strength virtue you identify as important.

Emotionally Manipulative
