Contact Us

Welcome to Joshua Davidson Therapy!

Face to Face, Telehealth either phone or video appointments are available. You can see us either privately, via a doctors referral and MHTP (for Medicare Rebate), or via your NDIS Plan (if your plan includes mental health therapy, coaching or other Section 15 funding). Details are outlined further below.

You may also be interested in a list of our Services.

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Email Directly: jdtherapy (at)

Fax Directly: 08 9463 1403


Pathfinder Health, Midland

(From 27 February 2023)

Age Range: Counselling for ages 12 to adult

Days: Monday to Friday – 9 am to 5 pm (last appointment at 4 pm)

Address: Unit 2, 294 Great Eastern Highway, Midland

Appointments:  08 6507 6054

Fax: 08 9463 1403

Email: reception (at)

Leave a Google Review for us [Link]


GP or Psychiatrist Referral

Please enclosed a cover letter that includes a brief description of your patient, and if relevant a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) if you are referring under Better Access (preferred), or a Chronic Care Plan (if MHTP is no longer available).

Joshua Davidson’s Medicare Provider Number is 523025BT.

For Copy and Paste GP Referral Information (click to expand)

Joshua Davidson Therapy

2/294 Great Eastern Hwy, Midland, WA, 6056

Phone:  08 6507 6054

Fax: 08 9463 1403

Email: reception (at)

Therapist: Joshua Davidson, #523025BT

Further Information regarding how Medicare defines MHTP sessions, renewals etc (click to expand)

Medicare makes it clear that their session limit is from 1 January to 31 December, thus on the 1st of January each year, the number of sessions a client has available resets to a potential 10. This can be confusing as a referral from a GP etc can last for up to 12 months, so if it was made in June 10, it lasts until the following June 9 while the MHTP can be renewed like new on January 1. The important section here is “up to”. A GP et cal can write a new referral after 12 weeks of the previous referral, where they deem it relevant and helpful.

“In a calendar year, patients can receive psychological therapy and/or FPS services up to the limit of: 10 individual services & 10 group services.

A calendar year is from 1 January to 31 December. “

[Link to further information]

Self Referral

You can self refer, bypassing a doctor.

  • Calling us 08 6507 6054 via Pathfinder Health
  • Visiting our friendly staff and requesting an appointment
  • Emailing us reception (at)
    • [replace the (at) with @ and remove the spaces]

You don’t need a doctor to see us, but it is recommended.

A stable doctor is a good part of health, including mental.

A doctor gives you access to a MHTP (Mental Health Treatment Plan) and CCP (Chronic Care Plans) which can reduce the cost via a Medicare Rebate.

Currently we are aware that BUPA Health Insurance can be applied to therapy at Joshua Davidson Therapy. Some other private health insurance companies may also cover this (Social Work Mental Health Therapist), so it is important to check your policy first.


If you have NDIS and are partially or fully self managed, we can bill NDIS on your behalf if your management plan and funding includes mental health therapy, social and or behaviour therapy.

  • Generally, that is funding for “Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living“.
  • If you do not having the above funding, let us know and we can set up a meeting to review your NDIS Plan and see if your needs and funding fit into something that we can deliver, or if we can support you in applying for a plan review.


We support TeleHealth!

We are happy to work with video and phone to help you connect with us. While TeleHealth isn’t generally as good as a Face-to-Face visit, it sure beats none at all.

Take a look at our TeleHealth Page for tips to make the most of your TeleHealth experience.

To book a TeleHealth appointment, just let our friendly staff know, or book at and state “Video” or “Phone” in the Comments section of your booking.